

Benefits of Nurturing an Engaged Workforce During a Pandemic

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people are working from home. These people may feel a disconnect from their co-workers or company as a whole. It is up to the employer to drive engagement within their organizations. This will lead to higher involvement among employees and it will add value to your business. When employers help to nurture a more engaged workforce what benefits can be seen? Why is engagement so important while living through a pandemic or crisis such as we are now?

Participation in team meetings leads to engagement

Participating in team meetings while working remotely is a great way for employees to remain engaged. Hold these meetings over Zoom or another virtual platform where everyone can see each other’s faces. Oftentimes, when we are working from home, we can feel lonely. But when teams are able to connect over video conference or over the phone, we can bridge the gap and enable co-workers to talk and strategize all at the same time.

Engaged talent tends to be more loyal and present

Those that are engaged in their work will feel a higher degree of connection to their organization. This connection often results in a loyal workforce. This loyalty leads to higher employee retention and removes the costs of hiring new talent which includes sourcing, on-boarding and training. Given the extreme impact of COVID-19 and its inherent turnover or layoff rate, if companies can keep employees who are working from home loyal, this will help mitigate some of the consequences associated with downturns. A huge benefit of an engaged workforce is that they are less likely to bail in times of hardship. These employees, though scared of the health situation out in the world, are content with their current employment situation. They find happiness in their work and often feel valued by their organization.

Greater engagement leads to higher productivity

Those that are engaged via work from home often enjoy and care about the work they produce. They comprehend that their organizations hold them in kind regard and are truly appreciative of the support provided. With this fact, employees tend to do their jobs more efficiently and produce quality work. These employees tend to go the extra length to proficiently complete their work, often with inventive and innovative methods. They will create solutions and strategies to everyday problems that will help the overall health of a team and stay on track to meet any deadlines.

Engaged employees represent their company in a good light

Employees that are engaged often have great attitudes. This is exactly who leadership wants representing their company. These people are a positive light and a source of encouragement for other employees. This positivity is often contagious as well, trickling from management downward or in the opposite direction. Engaged employees if asked about their employer, will most likely provide glowing reviews. During times of uncertainty and during times of normalcy, you may see signs of this positivity written on a company’s Glass Door account, shared over LinkedIn, or simply over email communication between co-workers.

Once normalcy sets in, employees will bring this engagement back to the office

Once employees return to their offices, and resume in-person meetings, hopefully they will bring with them that sense of engagement. Perhaps, employees will obtain a strengthened sense of connectivity amongst their co-workers. Meetings will be more productive and the work that is produced will be of a higher caliber as well.

A more engaged workforce can only be beneficial to the leaders of organizations. How can we ensure that employees do not become detached while working from home? They must be given the tools to succeed and ways to meaningfully connect with others.

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