

Predictions for Hiring in the New Normal

Interviewing and hiring has seen massive impacts with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies have initiated hiring freezes or dropped their open positions altogether. However, as the country centers in on its new normal, companies will begin to resume their hiring efforts. How will hiring look once recruiters and organizations ramp up their need for valuable talent? Will the process look different and will new measures be set in place to accommodate this new way of life?

Remote roles might be more prevalent

Currently, working from home has become a necessity for most industries whom are not deemed essential. Many employers will be hiring for remote positions at a much higher frequency than previously recorded. What is the reason for this change? Organization leaders are seeing how working from home is “working”. They note the productivity of their employees has not decreased since being home. In some cases, their productivity even increased hugely. Many organizations are even transitioning most of their roles into fully remote-based. This will result in a huge cost-savings for organizations. Overall, many companies that have open roles will continue to utilize remote capabilities at least until it is safe to return to the office in person.

Technology will be utilized more

Technology will become much more utilized as companies resume hiring. Initial and follow-up interviews may take place over telephone or video conference to ensure the safety of all involved. Companies will save on any travel expenses incurred if they utilize video conferences over in-person socially distant interviews. Many companies will offer virtual interviews not only to use as a safety precaution, but also to keep up with any of their competitors who are hiring via technological methods.

Hiring may become more steamlined

As a result of using technology in hiring, it is obvious that the interviewing process could and should become more streamlined. The process of sourcing and hiring talent is primarily done virtually. Video interviews will eliminate travel times as well as any delays that might be out of the participant’s control. With virtual interviews taking place, these conversations can take place at any time, even out of typical work hours to accommodate the schedules of all involved. With streamlining hiring, comes a sense of convenience for both the hiring managers and the talent that is looking for new opportunities.

How will hiring be different after the pandemic lessens? Will the process become easier for hiring professionals to manage? Or will they have difficulty adjusting? For this new hiring environment to be successful, the key is adaptability. As long as companies adjust their strategies, that will ensure they source the best talent in these uncertain times. Organizations are still learning and implementing best practices, but with time and resources, remote working will shift to the realm of true normalcy.

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