The Top Virtual Networking Skills for your Job Search and Career

Living in this new normal caused by pandemic where people are not able to meet in-person or convene in large groups can make professional networking quite difficult. Job seekers and Executive Recruiters that are looking to grow their networks are doing so online now. What skills are needed to successfully develop valuable connections virtually in…

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Should you Continue your Job Search during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

We are living in very uncertain and unfamiliar times. The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has turned the job market upside down and into a total landslide. Many employers are freezing or halting hiring altogether in an attempt to mitigate the impacts of the disease. Those that are seeking new job opportunities may wonder if…

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Ghosting: Why Are Hiring Managers Ignoring Me?

A somewhat modern phenomena is occurring in the world of job searching. Individuals are finding that they may not ever hear back or receive feedback after going on an interview. “Ghosting” can be very discouraging for an interviewee and leaves a lot of unanswered questions. What went wrong, and why has communication ceased to exist?…

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Resume Tips to Help Land Your Next Job

Is your resume current

Is your resume current and up to date? Chances are that if you can’t remember the last time you made any changes to your resume, that it may be time to make some updates or event start from scratch in order to present your best possible self. Your resume is the first thing a hiring…

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Networking 101: Who, What, Where?

Have you ever heard the old saying, “It’s who you know?” This quote can certainly apply to a job search. Could you put together a list of three to five people who could give you a positive review of your work ability to a hiring manager? If not, chances are your professional and social networks…

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Why Successful People Are Successful

We all want success in our lives. Although we strive for the best, success is not always immediately obtainable. The question is however, how do successful people become successful? In addition to working hard and reaching their goals, they love what they do. So, what steps can you take to feel this sense of accomplishment…

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