Employee Retention in Today’s Workplace

businesses attract invaluable talent

What is employee retention and why is it important in today’s workplace? In simple terms, employee retention is the ability for a company or corporation to hold onto its employees for an extended amount of time. But how can businesses attract invaluable talent that will want to remain loyal to their organizations? Read through these…

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Networking 101: Who, What, Where?

Have you ever heard the old saying, “It’s who you know?” This quote can certainly apply to a job search. Could you put together a list of three to five people who could give you a positive review of your work ability to a hiring manager? If not, chances are your professional and social networks…

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Productivity In The Workplace

During a normal day we are constantly bombarded with a huge number of stimuli, which can quickly shift our attention from one thing to the next. We’re all victim to this and can lose focus throughout the work day making us less productive. The question is, how can we improve upon our overall productivity in…

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Why Successful People Are Successful

We all want success in our lives. Although we strive for the best, success is not always immediately obtainable. The question is however, how do successful people become successful? In addition to working hard and reaching their goals, they love what they do. So, what steps can you take to feel this sense of accomplishment…

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We All Make Mistakes

It is 100% normal to make mistakes . In fact, are you really human if you never make a mistake? We are not robots, we are living and breathing beings. With that comes a certain degree and room for error. But what happens when you make a mistake in the workplace? It can be challenging…

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The Importance of Employee Recognition

Employee retention starts with a healthy work environment and culture. But how do we create a culture where people feel welcomed and encouraged? It should start at the most basic level of employee recognition. Here are a few ideas you may want to try to help foster a better sense of inclusion at your company.…

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The Battle of Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition and employee retention has become a huge struggle for recruiters over the years. According to Jennifer Faught and Recruiter.com, it can cost a company 4-8 times a salary of an employee to replace them once they leave. With this in mind, companies both large and small are always looking for ways to cut…

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